
Shortsighted I fled from
a familiar nest
I look back wistfully
at the things I miss the most…

The coolness of the breeze
The sweetness of the language
Vessels of stainless steel clattering
against red oxide floors
Freshly ground spices, coriander
and curry leaves in
buttermilk that quenches my thirst
like nothing else..
A laidback city
The friendly smiles
But most of all…
a family, my staunch support
away, a thousand miles.

The sky here is the same cobalt blue
but the clarity blurs
The raindrops are not caressing dollops
but splinters that pierce
Or maybe, there is nothing wrong with this place
and everything is wrong with me.

I was feeling very homesick today, much more than usual. I saw the dverse prompt- ‘sad and beautiful’ and I said to myself, “Sounds like my mood”. This poem was not meant to be very lyrical, but just about anything that came to mind about missing my hometown.

A Secret..

Into a bottomless ravine I plummet
Blackened hope, unseen thorns
pierce my every facet…
Talk is cheap and so is a promise
not kept, I weep
and bleed, the droplets
like reddened garnet.
Dazzling meteors enchant
But gone in a glance,
they fade like colours on my palette…
Your face is garish, your touch
unbearable, why did I think
it was velvet?
Pile on the misery, but it’s my turn
I cannot believe
you were my favourite!
You’re out of my orbit now
Yes, stay that way,
locked away in my locket.